by Tara Tobias | Jul 18, 2021 | Caregiver Resources, Stroke
Do you ever feel so tired, you don’t even want to get out of bed? If so, you wouldn’t be alone. There is a really good reason for this. Fatigue is an extremely common problem after a hospitalization. And sometimes, it has nothing to do with the reason...
by Tara Tobias | Jul 12, 2021 | Caregiver Resources, Mental strategies, Neurologic Rehabilitation Concepts, Stroke, Stroke Treatment
So, you have been discharged from therapy. So, what now? For some, this is a positive step in the rehab process. Some will understand right away that this is progress. On the other hand, for others it can bring up all kinds of negative emotions. “Is my therapist...
by Tara Tobias | Aug 4, 2020 | Caregiver Resources, Neurologic Rehabilitation Concepts, Stroke
hemineglect is a condition where someone loses the ability to attend to, sense, and/or perceive information on one side. This condition is also referred to as unilateral neglect, spatial neglect, and/or hemispatial neglect. Several neurologic condition can cause this...
by Tara Tobias | Jul 6, 2020 | Activities of daily living, Caregiver Resources, Stroke, Stroke Treatment, Uncategorized
An effective physical therapy program at home after a stroke is the most critical component for a successful recovery. I dare say MORE important than face to face time with your therapists. As someone who earns a living by treating patients (in person), this is a...
by Tara Tobias | Jun 3, 2020 | Activities of daily living, Caregiver Resources, Stroke, Stroke Balance
Standing is one of the most critical skills to relearn after any type of neurologic injury. Standing helps with digestion, bone health, and joint health. It can also reduce spasticity, and facilitate motor recovery. The caregiver role is almost more important than...
by Tara Tobias | May 18, 2020 | Activities of daily living, Balance, Caregiver Resources, Product Review
A step stool with a handle is one of the most seems like an odd piece of “rehab equipment”, however, it is truly “worth its weight in gold”. It is probably the one itemI can honestly say I use multiple times a day in my clinic. And, rarely as...